Friday, February 20, 2015

Boudoir Sculptures

Better than "Boudoir" photos...

I can make a boudoir sculpture of you.

Low relief wall hanging

"Wind Spirit" wall hanging sculpture

"Portrait of LT - UpLook"

Full 3d sculpted.

"Portrait of TC"  - ( Work in Progress )

These are not computer generated 3d printed , I artistically hand sculpt them using traditional skills and techniques.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, I will make a free, no obligation sample sculpture of you so you can visualize the finished sculpture.

Contact me for details.

Eric Haggin  "Eric The Sculptor"
925 336-6462   << voice or text

I am “ EricTheSculptor “ on Instagram ,Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, Tumblr, Pinterest, and many more.