Body Casting

I now offer body casting as well as traditional clay sculptures.
These are completed much faster then a clay portrait, and are significantly less expensive.
There is also something special about the level of fine detail produced with the high quality artist's materials I use.

Body casting offers a different, and no less artistic opportunity to artists and subjects.
I use 100% safe materials and methods to make molds directly from the client's body. The mold is used to cast a permanent sculpture.

Hands are always the most requested, but I can cast any part of your body. Contact me with your ideas.
For Bay Area body casting please check my body cast website at www.BodyCast.Me

Baby's hand cast in box frame

Jewelry holder hand cast with bronze 

2 Moms on Mother's day

Sculptor and his tool

Getting a 1/2 torso cast.

Eric Haggin
"Eric The Sculptor"
925 336-6462  ( voice or text anytime )

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